Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It Figures

You may recall from a few weeks ago that there were suspicions of a wheat allergy. Well, it turns out I am strongly allergic to wheat. That means I can't eat anything that was made with wheat. Mommy and Daddy found out that A LOT of foods have wheat in them, even things like hotdogs and ketchup!

Two days after we found out, I had another reaction, this time to only one Goldfish cracker! I am now the proud owner of an Epipen, which is to be used when I have trouble breathing during a reaction. Luckily, Benadryl usually works, because I have already had too many experiences at the hospital (I still haven't forgotten my one-week stay in the NICU).

Hopefully, I will outgrow my wheat allergy before I go to school, so I can have treats that all my friends bring to share.

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