Sunday, May 13, 2007

I Told You So, Grandpa!

Since I was born, everyone in my family has been telling me I am a carbon copy of my grandpa. I have his chin, cheeks, eyes, and hair color, just to name a few things I inheirited. Mommy and Daddy joke around a lot and tell strangers I am adopted because I don't really look like them at all. The only person who doesn't see the resemblance is Grandpa! He recently sent me pictures of himself as a baby. I attached the pictures below, so you can be the judge.

The first picture is of Grandpa as a baby.

The next picture is a similar one of me.

The next picture is of Grandpa when he was nine months old, like me!

Here is a picture of me with a similar pose, from an earlier posting.

The next picture is the real kicker, because it is of my GREAT-GRANDPA! I look like him, too!

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