Monday, August 6, 2007

I have to learn to eat somehow!

Mommy and Daddy have finally started feeding me table food. It's about time. I am learning fast. So far, I like to eat shavings of fruit as well as slices of cheese and cold cuts. Mommy and Daddy think it's pretty messy business and there is always a lot of clean up. Mommy has resorted to just holding me over the sink to clean me up while Daddy cleans off my highchair. I say, I have to learn somehow!

Daddy wanted to make sure you realized that his job of cleaning off the highchair was no piece of cake, so here's a side shot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to worry Linus. All us babies are messy eaters. You should see my high chair after a meal of fresh fruit & noodles! We've got to give our parents something to do so they are distracted enough for us to get into things we arent' suppose to. Cleaning up high chairs is just the ticket : )