As you can see from the picture, I am sick again. I had a really bad cough this weekend--bad enough that every time I ate something, I spit it right back up when I coughed. Mommy and Daddy took me to the doctor and they said I was wheezing, so I have to do breathing treatments for a week.
Stork, if you're reading this, please come and get me. I don't think I can take it anymore out here in the world. I never had problems like this when I was in Mommy's tummy. I never got sick, I didn't have to wait for food, there were no diaper changes--life was so easy.
Stork, if you're reading this, please come and get me. I don't think I can take it anymore out here in the world. I never had problems like this when I was in Mommy's tummy. I never got sick, I didn't have to wait for food, there were no diaper changes--life was so easy.
Dear Linus,
I think you're cute even with your mask on. Your right eye looks a little shifty though. Are you up to something again? I won't tell mommy and daddy if you want to tell me.
I miss you. I didn't get enough holding time last weekend. Hope I can see you soon.
Love, Grandma
i feel sorry for you butit aint r fult u so sick git bttr T.J.
Dear Linus,
you are still cute even with your mask on. Don't feel bad I use to have to do breathing treatments when I was little and sometimes now but I have asthma. My brother is going through the same thing but he is a few years older than you. don't worry you will get through it just fine.
your mommy's student,
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