Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Me and My Annoying Toy

Here is me with the toy my aunt and uncle bought me for Christmas. In case you forgot, when they bought it, they wanted to find the toy that would most annoy Mommy and Daddy. I don't know about you, but I find nothing annoying about this toy! Not even when I listen to it twenty times in a row.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Me With Mommy's Shoe

I feel pretty big at seven months old, but when I sit next to Mommy's shoe, I guess I still have a lot of growing to do!

What am I? A walking advertisement for Kermit?

This is my second posting wearing a frog outfit. I guess since Mommy likes frogs so much, I will just have to endure it until I can start picking out my own clothes.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Just let me sleep!

Here I was, just trying to get some quality sleep.
Mommy and Daddy thought I looked funny, so they got out the camera.

Without considering my feelings, they went ahead and used the flash to get a better picture. Do I look amused?


I have always enjoyed getting a bath, but yesterday, I learned how to PLAY in the bathtub! Mommy always gives me a washcloth to suck on while she is bathing me. I discovered that after you suck on it for awhile, you can dunk it in water to get it wet again! While it is wet, it is fun to wave the washcloth around because it throws water EVERYWHERE! It is also fun to splash with your hands and feet!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

It's Not Fair!!!

Yes...I know this is a really old baby picture of me, but my parents are treating me like a baby right now. They decided they are done with middle-of-the-night feedings (thanks a lot, Grandma!). Apparently, they don't trust me to know when I am hungry. I'm seven months old! I know what I want and when I want it!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Mozart in the Making

Of course I can play the piano! Was there any doubt of my talents?
I mean, come on, I taught myself to type already!

A thank you to all those who care

Dear Mommy's students and families,

Thank you so much for writing back to me. It made me feel really good to know that there are people out there who understand how difficult my life is.

I will try to talk to Mommy about cutting down the homework, but since you read my numerous complaints, you know that Mommy doesn't usually do what I want her to. She always says something along the lines of "Mommy and Daddy know what is best for you." Do all parents say that or just mine?


Seven months old already!

I just turned seven months old the other day. Mommy and Daddy can't believe how time flies when you have a baby. I am getting so much better at sitting up now. I eat a variety of fruits and vegetables (unlike Mommy). Just this last week, my upper two teeth came in. I didn't know I could look any cuter than I already did, but I guess anything is possible!

This weekend has been way better than the last one. First, I am finally feeling better. I finished my last breathing treatment this morning...thank goodness! I still have a slight cough, but I am on the mend. Also, Mommy and Daddy played with me all weekend. Can life get any better?

Monday, March 12, 2007

Dear Mommy's Students

Dear Mommy's Students,

Please stop doing your homework. Mommy never had time to play with me last weekend because she had to correct YOUR projects ALL WEEKEND LONG! It wasn't fair.


P.S. Don't tell Mommy I wrote you.

Stork--please take me back

As you can see from the picture, I am sick again. I had a really bad cough this weekend--bad enough that every time I ate something, I spit it right back up when I coughed. Mommy and Daddy took me to the doctor and they said I was wheezing, so I have to do breathing treatments for a week.

Stork, if you're reading this, please come and get me. I don't think I can take it anymore out here in the world. I never had problems like this when I was in Mommy's tummy. I never got sick, I didn't have to wait for food, there were no diaper changes--life was so easy.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

My First (and Worst) Trip--a.k.a. Complaints 637-644

Well, last weekend, I went on my first trip. I went to Chicago with my grandma and my mom. The trip was not what I expected. I had heard that there was lots to do in Chicago and that there were lots of sights to see, but the following two things are pretty much all that I saw:

Yeah...that was my view for the trip to Chicago and back...the back of the seat and the sky. Chicago is a lot farther away than I thought. It was the most boring time I have ever had! I thought we would never get there! (complaint #637, 638, and 639)

This is the bottom of my pack and play. When we weren't traveling, I had to take naps (complaint #640). So much for having any fun!

The next picture is of my aunt and uncle's cats. The vacation wasn't fun for them, either. They thought I was an alien and gave me a wide berth. They were not happy that I disrupted their routine and that they got locked out of certain rooms while I was there.

The worst part of the trip was that I got sick (complaint #641)! Mommy wasn't sure if I was allergic to my aunt and uncle's cats or if I just had yet ANOTHER upper respiratory infection. The day after we arrived, I was wheezing a lot and developed a rash. I even had to go to the doctor.

Even though I complained to Mommy that this was the worst trip I'd even been on (complaint #642), she did remind me that this was the ONLY trip I'd ever been on. When I started feeling better the day we left (complaint #643), I did have some cute pictures taken of me (since pictures of me are always cute).

By the way, complaint #644--the toy I'm chewing is one of only TWO that Mommy expectecd me to entertain myself with the during the entire car ride!

What do you mean the Bears didn't win the Superbowl? I wore my bib!