Thursday, December 27, 2007


One of my favorite activities these days is to dance and sing to the theme songs of my favorite shows! Here is a video that shows me dancing to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.


This Christmas season has been very busy. On Christmas Eve, I celebrated at home with Mommy and Daddy. This is the present I got from Santa. It plays music and a fan shoots balls out of a hole and they fly everywhere. It is a little stressful managing this toy because I have to keep track of where the balls are at all times!

Here is a video of me playing with my toy!

On Christmas Day, I got more presents from Santa. My favorite thing was the bag of popcorn he left me in my stocking!

The next day, I celebrated with my aunts and uncles and my grandma. The day after THAT, I went to my other grandpa and grandma's house and celebrated there. Here is a picture of the wooden blocks and wheelbarrow my grandpa made me. Grandpa is my special friend lately. :-)

Last, but not least, this picture was too cute to pass up.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

It's just so hard to resist...

Mommy and Daddy bought and set up a Christmas tree a couple weekends ago. Since they put it right where my toys normally go, I assumed the tree was a present for me. Naturally, I want to play with it all the time.

Everything is just so shiny and jingly...

Mommy and Daddy weren't happy that I ignored their repeated "No's" about touching the tree, so they started giving me time-outs. Time-outs aren't fun. You have to stay in one place for a really long time. The first time Mommy and Daddy made me go to time-out, I didn't understand and it took 20 times before I stayed in my spot in the hallway (which, by the way, is a really boring place to have time-outs).

Oh no, back to time out again...

Saturday, December 1, 2007

In Trouble Again

With getting older comes more curiosity. That's what I tell my parents every time I dump out and shred all my baby wipes or whenever I get into the nightstand and play with the Kleenexes.

15 Months Old and Counting

I recently had my 15-month appointment. I am growing up fast. Mommy and Daddy decided that because I am a big boy now, things around the house had to change. Some of the changes were good and some weren't.

A good change is that I finally get to ride front-facing in my car seat! It is so much fun to see what is going on around me, instead of just looking at the back of the seat!

Another good change is that I get to use a big boy cup now instead of the bottle. I feel like a grown up!

As I said, not all the changes were positive. Mommy and Daddy have gotten very strict about my eating habits. I have consequences now when I refuse foods by spitting them out or when I throw my plate across the room. Instead of just getting told "no" I get taken out of my highchair and put on the floor until I can act like a big boy again.

All in all, I like being 15 months old. It is more fun at daycare because I get to play with the other kids more. They are teaching me so much. I dance a lot more now and imitate everything. I can't wait to see what it will be like when I'm even older!

Scaling the World

Since My last posting, I have learned how to climb. It seems to be scaring the bejeezus out of Mommy and Daddy, but I love it because I can be a lot more independent now.

I can climb onto boxes...

my little chair...

the rocking chair in my room...

and the couch (with just a little bit of assistance).