Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My 11-month Birthday

This past weekend, I spent more time in the hospital. Twice in one month is not my idea of a good time. I was wheezing really bad again--the doctor's think I had a reaction to a virus. I had to stay two nights and three days.

Here's me in my baby jail, as Daddy calls it.

I had to be hooked up to oxygen this time, as you can see from the picture above. I did NOT like having those tubes in my nose, so this is what I usually did with them.

The second day I was there, the doctor let me try breathing without oxygen. I was so happy. I was starting to feel better and I didn't like having to stay in one place. Mommy and Daddy took me on rides around the pediatrics unit.

I know I look pretty happy in all these pictures. Mommy would say that isn't quite an accurate representation of my mood while I was in the hospital, but who are you going to believe-- Mommy or me? By the way, I'm the one with the charming smile.


Anonymous said...

look at june 9th in your pool

Anonymous said...

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