Monday, July 2, 2007

Is there anything I'm NOT allergic to?

This past weekend, I found out I'm allergic to cats and dogs. After playing with dog toys (I personally don't recommend it because they taste like dog slobber), I rubbed my eye and it swelled way up. The whole side of my face did, too. Luckily, Mommy had some Benadryl with her and quickly I got better.

The next day, I went to Grandma's house. She has a cat. I started wheezing pretty bad. My wheezing didn't let up, so I had to go to the emergency room! I had to get IV treatments of Benadryl and I got Albuterol treatments with a nebulizer. The drama doesn't end there, however, because I didn't improve enough so I had to be admitted to the hospital overnight!!

I was kind of scared, so Mommy and Daddy stayed all night with me. The next day, they found out how hard it is to keep a baby my age occupied while hooked up to tons of wires. I wanted to play and crawl all over, but I couldn't.

When I was discharged, Mommy and Daddy had to buy a nebulizer for home. Now, when I have an allergic reaction, I have to use my Epipen and my nebulizer. I also got some medicine I have to take before I visit a house that has a cat or dog. And next week, I have an appointment with an allergy specialist.

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