I finally got the results from the allergy test I had done a couple weeks ago. It turns out I'm allergic to PEANUTS, too. I'm even more allergic to peanuts than I am to wheat! I am sad that I have to miss out on lots of "kid" meals, like hotdogs, macaroni and cheese, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

I also found out that I have to be careful with TOYS! Did you know that even PlayDough has wheat in it?!?! At least I can still suck on this spoon, right?

It's okay. I'm sure there are still lots of foods out there for me. If not, I'm sure my cuteness will carry me through life.

It's okay. I'm sure there are still lots of foods out there for me. If not, I'm sure my cuteness will carry me through life.