Monday, February 26, 2007

I told you I liked sweet potatoes!

My big weekend

This past weekend was very busy for me! First, I saw my first blizzard! We even lost power at my house for 45 minutes. It was pretty boring because I couldn't see my toys, so I just went to bed early.

I also learned how to sit up unassisted this weekend. In the picture, you can see me playing with the toy my aunt and uncle bought me for Christmas. Their sole purpose in buying the toy was that it was the loudest, most obnoxious one they could find. I don't see anything loud or obnoxious about it; in fact, it's my favorite toy!

The only bad part of this weekend was that I had to go SHOPPING! Mommy made me shop for 3 1/2 hours since she didn't have to go to work today due to the ice storm. It was so boring! The only good part was that tons of people commented on how cute I was. That didn't shock me; everywhere I go, people tell me I'm adorable.

Well, I better go. It's almost time for dinner. Maybe I will get more sweet potatoes because those are my favorite...

Monday, February 19, 2007

It's all about me

I have been very busy lately. I just turned six months old. I am eating solids now--oatmeal cereal and vegetables. I have tried carrots, green beans, and sweet potatoes so far. I like sweet potatoes the best. I am so glad Mommy and Daddy don't feed me rice cereal anymore because I HATED it.

I like to talk--A LOT! I do not like, however, to roll over. I tried rolling from my stomach to my back. I did it three times and that was IT. Now I roll from my back to my stomach, but I only do it at night. Then I cry until Mommy and Daddy come to roll me back over.

Today, I had a well-baby checkup. I weigh 18 pounds, 8 ounces now (50th percentile). I am 28 3/4 inches long (97th percentile). My doctor said that I will probably be around 6' 3" when I grow up. My mommy was happy that I potentially inheirited something from her side of the family. Mommy and Daddy were also happy because my head measures in the 50th percentile finally. They have been calling me a pinhead ever since I was born because my head was only in the 25th percentile until now.

By the way, I have a new complaint. #512--I KNOW I didn't ask for the immunizations I got today!

Well, I better go. I am supposed to be in bed right now. Shhh!

Ribbit...that's all I have to say about that

Saturday, February 17, 2007

my new teeth

Hello again,

I decided to post again...twice in one day! Here is another picture--me with two teeth! I think I look smashing with them.

Oooh, I gotta go. I think I hear Mom. She doesn't know I can type...if she finds out, she might expect more out of me!


P.S. If you click on the picture, it will make it bigger so you can see my teeth even better.

My first blog...I'm so exited

Hey Everyone,

This is my first entry in my new blog. I decided that if I start my own blog, family and friends would be able to see me anytime they want. I am so cute and I know that people all over the world will want to see me.

This will also be a convenient way for me to write my complaints. I am up to Complaint #503: I smiled especially cute for this picture Mom took and then she left, saying it was naptime.

See you soon,