Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hermione and Ava

Hermione and I recently became cousins! Mommy's sister, Abby, had a baby on April 29th! Her name is Ava.

Mommy babysat for her last night. I figured Hermione would be jealous that another baby was getting some of Mommy's time, but she did really well. She smiled at Ava any time that Ava made noises. They also stared at one another a lot!

Hermione has a sock fetish. She even likes to take off other people's socks! Ava was no exception.

Hermione tried to give the sock back, but Ava was upset by then.

Here's Hermione trying to comfort Ava. Luckily, Ava just fell asleep.

Again, Hermione believed if she just made a cute smile, she would get out of any reprimands.

This was how tired Hermione was after all the extra playtime with a new baby!

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