Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Why didn't I like this stuff last time?

Today, it snowed over 12 inches! While Daddy was shoveling, Mommy took me out to play in the snow. Last time I was out, I cried the whole time. I don't know what I was scared about, because snow is really fun! Did you know you can even eat it?

Here are two videos of me playing in the snow. In the first one, I am standing next to a big snow drift. In the second one, Daddy put me IN the snow drift, and I couldn't get out (but I didn't mind!).


House of Chang said...

We don't know what snow is, but we're glad that you like it. Maybe someday we'll get to experience it. Mommy says that won't happen for a LONG time. :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Linus,
I wish my brother and sister were more like you, they hate the snow.
Your Friend,

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Chalupa,
We are extremely sad on the loss of Linus, we will miss him. You'll be in our prayers,but now we know hes in a better place.
Your Student-
Tanner Sackett

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Chalupa I still remember when you hit Brittany Frey in the eye with the pen that was funny.I hope you know that he is in a better place,but the place that he loved to be was in your heart.You know that he loved you a lot,I bet that you were the best mom in the world to him. From a 7th grade

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.