Shortly after Violet was born, Mommy and Daddy brought Hermione and Violet to come visit me. I like it when everyone visits at the same time because then the whole family is together!
Hermione was not quite sure what to think when Violet first came home. She wouldn't acknowledge anyone who held her. Luckily, by the second day, Hermione had decided Violet was okay to have around. She started trying to say her name (Ayla), she shared her blanket, gave her kisses, and shared her toys (as you can see in the picture).
My new baby sister, Violet Gwendolyn Chalupa, was born on March 10, 2011 at 10:54 p.m. She weighed a lot less than Hermione and I. She only weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces, but she was a week early. She was the longest baby of the family, however, at 22 inches long!!!
Hermione loves to swing. I remember lots of times that Mommy and Daddy took me to the park, too. I loved swinging just like my little sister!
Hermione's favorite part of the day at the park was that she found pine cones. She carried them all over. She tried to carry four at once, which was very difficult. She kept dropping them and picking them back up.
I started my own blog because my mom can't keep up with how often I want to send pictures and videos to friends and family. As you can see from my picture, I am one cool dude!